Reposted from @ginabarboza Just two days before my birthday, and I can’t think of a better gift!!!
Ma!!! I made our hometown newspaper!!! 😭❤️
The Fall River Herald News!!! (See full story in bio)
Growing up in Fall River, Massachusetts, I dreamed of one day being a writer for the paper. I moved to LA before coming to the ATL, so that never happened, but never in a million years did I envision being in it (YET).
Thank you to my high school classmate @donnawinn67 for believing I was noteworthy now!! Love you!
Tears of joy!!
Thankful to Mr. @tylerperry for giving me the opportunity!!
If you haven’t seen #AJazzmansBlues @netflixfilm @netflix – whatcha waiting on… ❤️
Photo @zachthomasphoto
#believeinyourself #belive #FallRiver #massachusetts #TheRiv #bornandraised #durfeehighschool #mortonmiddleschool #spencerbordenschool #fordneystreetprojects #apt608 #RIPmom #fkcancer #boysandgirlsclub #alumni #georgiastateuniversity #Godisgood