Posted @withregram • @yolandarabun MENTOR FOR LIFE. Some 20 years ago I heard this booming voice over the phone say Yolanda! It’s M͟a͟r͟v͟j͟n͟ A͟r͟r͟i͟n͟g͟t͟o͟n͟ S͟r͟ . You still at IBM? You doing Well? You making an Impact? You Keep it Up. I’m proud of you. And, He was. I worked at Arrington and Hollowell my first summer after starting law school. I sent pictures to be in the firm Alumni recognitions. This is one of them. It’s in a film about his life.
I’m forever grateful for Mr Arrington’s handprint on my life. This week he left this earth.🌏
A&H was an out of this world 1L experience, I shared my summer work experience with my colleagues and they were wowed at my “real” 1L job; but it was MORE. Mr Arrington guided me with life tips, before, throughout and after law school! I still have my copy of Bramble Bush and followed his advice on courses to take. I remembered thinking I am being mentored by a giant! Giant personality, giant voice, giant genius. Good night Mr. Arrington. My life has been changed FOR GOOD. #mylifeasalawyer
Film🎬 Information: Bo Legs: Marvin Arrington, Sr., An Atlanta Story” available to buy or rent on Amazon Prime. @bolegsatl @marvinarringtonjr